Welcome Seasonals!!
May 22, 2020
Hello HSAC Seasonal Camper!!
We are at the start of the Memorial Day Weekend and the park is packed with families and friends -- most sitting around a campfire right now!
This is so heart-warming to see and we had hoped to continue the tradition of having a Memorial Weekend Dinner, but Carol, Don, and I really struggled with the decision and decided to cancel it this year! The Governor’s warning to remain at least 6 feet distance and reports from the CDC to not share food makes it impossible to follow tradition this year! We hope to plan for an even better celebration next year!
We have also closed the Laundry room indefinitely – even after purchasing the 2 NEW Washing Machines – and hope to reopen it soon.
Good news! We just made available a Travel Trailer Rental that sleeps 5 and is very nice!! And we also have the lovely 5th Wheel Rental. Both are available now and through the season, so reserve now for future months!
We are still enforcing social distancing requirements and ask everyone to remain 6' apart as we implement new strategies to minimize in-person interactions -- but can still make everyone feel welcomed.
Website www.harrisonshadyacres.com with a bunch of information.
FYI Campers Webpage! https://www.harrisonshadyacres.com/fyicampers and Password: Easy.
Have Questions/Need Anything? Call or text us at 989/539-3111 or email rbethea.fpe@gmail.com anytime.
Kind Regards,
Don & Regina Bethea